Pictures of me ....
Kola, with the occasional addition of his humans mostly as props to further prove how cute 'he' is!
Who could resist that face ?
The boys agree - we need a bigger pool!
Catherine & Kola at the park
The boys enjoying a light shower
Kola at six months!!
Good job they have an oversized couch since I am a rather oversized puppy. I got measured today, the yellow snakey thing (which doesn't taste good when you try to bite it) said 25 inches tall - whatever that means!
Now its your turn to hide while I count to 10!
Enjoying a summer afternoon with Victoria.
Heres my new summer sleeping spot - nice cold tile floors - now if only they'd let me drink out of that big bowl thingy - life would be perfect!
Just in case you forgot how cute I was back then ......
heres my first night at home.
Just relaxing ...
Soccer ..... ?
Soccer and chewing - even better!
Mr Thoughtful ....
Just a few more ... please?
Kola - 17 weeks - 51lbs
Mr Handsome!
Best Buds
Kola and Catherine
Just too tired!
It wasn't us - we were taking a nap!
You look funny upside down Mom!
Kola - 15 weeks - 41 lbs.
Kola and his BEST friend Michael.
Kola and his new friend Pumba.
Kola at 14 weeks
Almost a perfect triangle!
Playing bubbles with Victoria
Look my ears are up!
Kola at 10 weeks